Here & There...
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Our Humble Cottage on Boracay, after the Typhoon

Top of Shwedagon Pagoda, Burma - Women are too impure to be allowed up. I don't make the rules.

Looking out my back door, Boracay

Well, You know where...

Oldest Islamic Necropolis in Pakistan

Typical Friendly Faces in Hyderabad, Pakistan

Hitching from Darwin to Brisbane on a Road Train

A Tree Grows in Africa

Another former Indian village shop

On the Road to Blantyre, Malawi

Still the local social hub

Typical Malawian Village Shop, after the Indian Shopowners were ethnically cleansed

MDP Party Rally in Malawi, when Democracy was still banned

A Dangerous Pro-Democracy Rally - Still Banned

Carrying Fruit to Market, Salima, Lake Malawi

The Malawian Dictator's Palace after his overhtrow, holding a gavel engraved "From His Royal Highness Emporer Haile Selassie to His Excellency The Life President of Malawi, H.E. Kamuzu Banda". Sometimes wish I kept it....

Typical Aid Project Status

Boracay - the island paridise you dream about

Lucky the regional tractor was making it's monthly visit

Broke down in Baluchistan, but made some new friends

Another ancient, abandondend temple in Pagan, Burma

On Holiday in Cambodia, The Killing Fields

Boracay 15 minutes to walk the width, an hour to walk the length, no phones, no lights, no motor cars...

Burmese Holy Man

Three Princesses

One thing you got to say for Mao - he ended Foot Binding. Still a lot of survivors then.

Celebrating 30 like a Rock Star

On the Banks of the Irrawaddy - the abandonded city of temples, Pagan, Burma

Hardworking Party Member, when China was still the communist workers Paridise

A Danish Fishing Village is not the worst place for kids to be kids

I want to thank all the little people who made this possible...

Queen Margrethe of Denmark. Didn't find that out until after our casual chat. They are quite informal over there.

Inside Schwedegon

Didn't catch much, but still seems idylic

The end of a busy day

Me & my buddies, Soviet Economic Advisers to Vietnam, the month before the Soviet Union collapsed. Who knew?

Tevye, in the Lilongwe Drama Society's internationally acclaimed production of "Fiddler on the Roof". I was nervous the next day when I ran into the intimidating Head of Security for the Israeli Embassy, but she reassured me: "You make a very good Jew"

Dringing Cobra Whiskey when Saigon was still dangerous

Still Idealistic and about to end Poverty in Africa

My Grandfather in the Cavalry in Texas, before heading down to Mexico in pursuit of Pancho Villa

A Gangster & his Moll?

Schwedegon Exterior - Pure Plated Gold

Moon Mountain, Yangshuo District, China

On the road to Mandalay, Burma

Schwedegon Pagoda - still topped by the largest Ruby in the world. Even the British didn't have the nerve to steal it.

Shaolin Monk - I wonder if he really is a Kung Fu Master?

Disguised as Pakistani to sneak through the Khyber Pass

Me & my adopted family from one of the Northern Thai Hill Tribes